
XOXO Creativity

September 20, 2009


Here’s a good way to promote creativity and have fun at the same time. The rule is to draw as many things as your imagination can conjure up from X’s and O’s.

Almost done.

This is what Panamericana School of Art and Design did in a advertising campaign.I tried googling for their site but can’t seem to find it. Anyway I’ll update this page when I get more info.

There’s something naughty in this shot.

I made my own versions to work with. You can download them below. Try them out with your kids and friends. You might just be surprised what plays in their minds. 🙂  Everybody say Rorschach test! :D.

Credit to Panamericana for the idea.
Images from

O’s Creativity Test DOWNLOAD
X’s Creativity Test DOWNLOAD

By @codespud  
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